The 4th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research (第四屆〝漢字與漢字教育〞國際研討會) which was held on 15-16 August 2013 at HKU was hosted by CACLER and co-organized with Ethnic Chinese Classic Texts and Characters Research Centre, Beijing Normal University (北京師範大學民俗典籍文字研究中心); Korea Society of Education in Chinese Characters & Classics (韓國漢字漢文教育學會); and Society for Korean Classical Chinese Education (韓國漢文教育學會).
In the midst of hoisting Typhoon signal no. 8, around 100 participants who are scholars coming from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Mainland China, Macau and Hong Kong also took part in the conference and around 80 papers have been presented embracing the two main themes:
1) Chinese character education and
2) Researches on Chinese character.
Renowned professors and scholars were invited to deliver keynote speeches for the conference:
- 主題演講1: 韓國兒童語言使用情況及漢源詞的範圍
Study and outline the level and range of Chinese character and vocabulary used in the language activity of Korean preschool children
Prof. SONG Pyung Nyul, Yeungnam University; President of the Korea Society of Education in Chinese Characters and Classics
- 主題演講2: 漢字的腦和教育
The Hanzi brain and education
黃震遐 (香港,香港大學醫學院內科名譽教授;香港腦科基金會主席)
Prof. HUANG Chenya, Department of Medicine, HKU; Chairman, The Hong Kong Brain Foundation Ltd.
- 主題演講3: 漢字學與漢字應用研究
Chinese Paleography and Study on Application of Chinese Characters
Prof. Huang Peijung, Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
Experts in specific fields coming from different regions (including Taiwan, Mongolia, Xiamen, Vietnam and Japan) were also invited to share their practical experience as well as research findings on Han character teaching and learning in their districts.
Featured Presentations
- 香港非華語學生中文書寫能力分析──以香港大學「學生支援計劃」記敍文前測後測表現為例
岑紹基、戴忠沛 (香港,香港大學教育學院)
- 從漢字部件分析的一致性與差異性看漢字部件分拆準則與系統
林偉業 (香港,香港大學教育學院)
- 社群本位的漢字讀寫習得
鍾鎮城 (台灣,國立高雄師範大學)
- 生词卡的多媒体信息对美国中文初学者汉字记忆的影响
朱宇 (中國,廈門大學)
- 資訊科技與漢字學習
劉文建 (香港,香港大學計算機科學系;鍵次方通訊有限公司)
- 在教学目标分类理论指导下以儿童学阅读心理学假说为基础的小学汉字教学和文言文教学
石皇冠 (中國,內蒙古包頭市土默特右旗黨三堯學校)
- 汉字对越南的影响及其在越南现代社会中的现状
申氏懷芳 (越南,廈門大學)
- 日本的漢字教育
野村和之 (日本,香港中文大學); 袁穎珊 (香港,香港城市大學)
Submitted conference papers will be peer-reviewed and recommended to publish at an academic journal in South Korea. This platform helped stimulate a wealth of acclaimed publications contributing to CACLER’s reputation as a hub of scholarly research into the teaching and learning of Chinese characters. The next conference will be held in South Korea in the summer of 2014.
The Opening was addressed by Professor Amy Tsui (left), Pro-Vice Chancellor and Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), and Professor Cheng Kai Ming (right), Chairman, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, EDB.
Prof. Huang Pei Jung (middle), Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, one of the invited keynote speakers.
Prof. HUANG Chenya (middle), Department of Medicine, HKU; Chairman, The Hong Kong Brain Foundation Ltd., one of the invited keynote speakers.
The discussion forum (from left to right): Dr. Chun Chen-Cheng, Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second / Foreign Language, Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan; Dr. Song Pyung Nyul, President of the Korea Society of Education in Chinese Characters and Classics, South Korea; Mr. Zhang Tian Ruo, National Institute of Education Sciences, China; and Prof. Tse Shek Kam, former Director of CACLER, Faculty of Education, HKU.
Conference Website:
Conference Booklet (Download)
Conference Rundown (Download)