中文教育研究中心自2001年開始受教育局委託,進行全球學生閱讀能力進展研究(PIRLS),至PIRLS 2021已是香港第五階段評估,研究數據能反映過往20年來香港小四學生在閱讀能力的變化和發展,CACLER 研究員亦就多年來PIRLS 的數據發展更多教學相關的研究和理論。是次知識交流研討會以全球學生閱讀能力進展研究計劃為重心,由計劃研究團隊分享針對PIRLS 成果發展而來的各個教育研究,對與會者提升學生閱讀能力具啟發作用。
read moreWhat kind of materials could facilitate multicultural preschoolers' Chinese reading ability? Dr. LAM, Wai Ip’s research includes teaching Chinese to culturally and linguistically diverse students. Dr. Lam utilises the concepts of frame in applied cognitive linguistics on sharing storybooks suitable for ethnic minorities children learning Chinese, thus to develop a storybook-based language focused curriculum.
read moreTeaching vocabulary could improve students’ skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing, facilitating their cognition and mind. However, vocabulary learning in Chinese language education is not valued as important juxtaposed with teaching English language. We conducted interviews that reflects 8 common misconceptions in teaching vocabulary. This webinar analyses the common misconceptions and provides educational practices, strategies and techniques for teaching vocabulary.
read more中文教育研究中心為凝聚各校和港大團隊的智慧,舉辦夏日學院,邀請對提升多元文化學生學習具豐富經驗的校長、教師和課程發展主任擔任導師,全期四講,與大家全方位分享各學校的優質實踐經驗及港大團隊的研究成果,盼能與大家分享如何轉化危機為最好的能量的良好實踐,趁此機會分享彼此經歷的挑戰和反思。
read more今個學年全港就疫情停課,學校紛紛轉為線上教學,大大衝擊傳統學與教模式,香港大學教育學院中文教育研究中心亦趁此時機舉辦一連八講的知識交流研討會,壓軸一場研討會由中文教育研究中心謝錫金教授主講,分享全方位母語學習環境對學校的重要性,深入淺出分享多年就非華語生中文學習的研究成果。
read moreCentre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research holds the seminar with Principal Lau Wau Chun and Principal Lai Chun Wing to share their experiences and strategies on handling cross-cultural and cross-border students’ needs. Foreseeing the new normal of learning and teaching at school, we welcome principals, school management board and teachers to participate in the seminar to gain knowledge and support each other.
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