Mother Tongue Education in Hong Kong: Research and Practice

Tsui, A. B. M., Tse, S.K., Shum, M. S. K., Ki, W. W.



ISBN: 962809307X

This book reviews the contribution of the Support Centre for Teachers Using Chinese as the Medium of Instruction (CMI Centre) from 1998 to 2003. With sponsorship from the Language Fund and Quality Education Fund, the CMI Centre was dedicated to boosting mother-tongue education; improving the standard of using Chinese in various subjects; improving the quality of learning and teaching; enhancing students’ academic levels and exploring the prospects of bilingual education on a mother-tongue basis.

The contributions of the CMI Centre include:

  • developing and advancing network resources to support mother-tongue teaching;
  • conducting research on educational reform issues to support teachers, such as project learning;
  • conducting research projects to facilitate teachers using Chinese as the medium of instruction (e.g. subject-specific genre, study on language across curriculum, analysis of language errors in setting examination questions);
  • conducting surveys on medium of instruction
  • conducting trans-regional research collaboration

The authors hope the book will provide useful reference for the implementation of mother-tongue teaching in other parts of the world.